Dental Assisting Program Faculty

Dr. Denise Romero
Program Director, Professor |

Dr. Denise Romero CDA, COA, RDA, OA, Ed.D,. Is the program director for the dental assisting program and currently 在太阳城集团官方网址导航的牙科辅助项目中担任全职教师. In addition to her role as a classroom educator Dr. Romero consults with dental offices, 教授八小时的感染控制课程,两小时的牙科执业法课程, and orthodontic assistant permit course. Dr. Romero has 26 years of clinical experience 在牙科和各种设置工作,包括普通牙科,儿科 dentistry, orthodontics, and dental supply sales. She currently teaches in both dental assisting and dental hygiene courses. Active in her professional associations, Dr. Romero曾担任the California Association of Dental assistance的董事会成员 Teachers (CADAT) for 3 years. She is involved in the American Dental Assistants Association. 她还曾担任加州牙科协助牙科委员会副主席 作为加州牙科委员会正畸学的主题专家. She is currently just finished serving her 3rd 

在牙科协助全国委员会(DANB)董事会担任副主席. Dr. 罗梅罗的学历包括:牙科助理证书和A.A 在喜瑞都学院获得学士学位,工商管理学士学位 毕业于珠穆朗玛峰大学,指定学科教学资格证书:职业教育 为成人学习者从加州州立大学,长滩,硕士学位 加州多明格斯-希尔斯州立大学的教育课程和教学. A doctorate 南加州大学组织专业博士学位 Change and Leadership. 她获得了2018年美国教育工作者骄傲奖 Dental Assistants Association. She recently became a fellow in the American Dental Assistants Association receiving the FADAA. 

 Allison Kajimoto                                                                                                             Temporary Full Time Instructor


Mrs. Allison Kajimoto, CDA, RDS, OA, BA目前担任临时全职讲师 in the dental assisting program for Pasadena City College. She is an alumna of this same exact program! 她在牙科行业工作了大约6年. 除了她的角色作为一个讲师,她练习正畸协助在一家 他是一名私人执业医师,也是PCC正畸许可项目的讲师. This specialty of dentistry is her true passion! She has a bachelor's degree in Psychology from California Lutheran Univesity. While her main passion is dental, traveling and being a "foodie" come in as a quick second. 

Stephanie Schmidt
Professor, Tenured Full-Time Faculty |

Stephanie Schmidt, CDA, CPFDA, CRFDA, CDT, RDAEF2, FADAA, MS有着一生的爱 与牙科有联系,在大大小小的私人牙科诊所工作过 作为助理和办公室经理,以及美国退伍军人 在他们的牙科诊所担任研究牙科助理和牙科技术员. She currently 志愿在本地社区牙科诊所兼职,成为注册牙医 助理扩展功能2,提供牙科预防和修复治疗 for an underserved population. Throughout her career, Ms. Schmidt has been teaching 公立成人学校和社区大学的牙科辅助课程. She has 教授牙科基本知识,牙科放射学,牙科材料,椅子边 assisting, RDA duties, and dental psychology. She is frequently asked to speak to 国家,国家和国际牙科辅助,牙科技术和牙科 卫生组织的主题包括牙科法,感染控制和许多临床相关 topics, as well as on creative teaching techniques. Ms. Schmidt participates in local, 担任各种领导职务的州和国家牙科援助协会, 如有需要,作为主题专家和志愿者审查牙科教科书 当地与牙科相关的社区服务项目,如氟化物治疗和牙印 identification sessions for grade school children. She has authored six articles on 在国内和国际出版物中流传的牙科专题已经 教育学硕士学位,持有加州指定科目教学证书, 最近还获得了多个教学和 in dental assisting. She currently teaches full-time for the Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene Programs at Pasadena City College.

Dr. Louis Fleming Jr
BA., MAT., DDS., Adjunct Faculty |

Dr. 弗莱明拥有加州大学圣地亚哥分校的文学学士学位,并获得 his DDS at the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. He is a past Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry. Before coming to PCC, Dr. Fleming was on the 太平洋大学牙科学院的教师,并维持了一个私人 practice in San Francisco. In 2010 Dr. Fleming completed a Master of Arts in Teaching at the University of Southern California.

Donna Wedell

Donna Wedell,注册会计师,注册会计师,硕士,目前是太阳城集团官方网址导航的兼职讲师. 她在牙科行业工作了大约42年. She received her 里约宏都大学理科副学士学位和牙科辅助证书 College. 她继续接受教育,并获得了职业学士学位 毕业于加州州立大学洛杉矶分校,获得文学硕士学位 在加州州立大学圣贝纳迪诺分校接受职业教育. Ms. 韦德尔获得了大学颁发的社区学院教师证书 of Califronia, Los Angeles.                                     

Ms. 自1973年以来,韦德尔一直在牙科领域担任活跃的主席助理 在私人诊所担任全科和儿科牙科的主席助理, and an office manager in the pediatric practice. Ms. Wedell became a full-time faculty 在查菲学院牙医助理课程学习4年. In 2004, she became a full-time faculty member at Cerritos College.  Ms. Wedell became the 2009年担任喜瑞都学院牙科辅助项目的项目总监. Ms. Wedell retired  from Cerritos Colege in 2018. However, Ms. Wedell's passion for high-quality 教育和爱改变学生的生活,她继续教 an adjunct instructor in Dental Assisting programs. She taught courses in dental materials, 感染控制、椅子辅助、口腔解剖学、口腔科学、放射学、 冠状抛光,牙窝和牙缝密封剂,RDA职责,临床实习. 

Ms. 韦德尔几年来一直被美国牙科认证委员会(CODA)评为网站 visitor for other colleges. She was an expert witness in a court case regarding dental radiology. 她是教科书、文章和其他出版物的撰稿人 目前,她是the California Dental assistance的董事会成员 Association (CADAT). She received the Hazel O. Tores award for outstanding teaching from the CADAT organization. She is a member of several dental and teachers' associations. Ms. 威德尔在几家免费诊所做志愿者,以此回馈社区.

Dental Hygiene Program Faculty

Adrine Reganian, RDH, RDHAP, MS 
Interim Program Director |


Contributing Dental Assisting Faculty

Contributing Natural Sciences Faculty


Program Administrator (Director), Henri G. Saghians

Professor Anita M. Bobich
B.A., CDT, |

Domenico Cascione
B.S., MDT, CDT, Full-time Faculty |

Robert Babian
A.S., CDT, Adjunct Faculty |

Andrew Do, DDS
D.D.S., MDT, TE, Adjunct Faculty |

Avo Eginyan
B.S., CDT, Adjunct Faculty |

Hugo Solis
B.A., CDT, TE Adjunct Faculty |

Elizabeth Constan
BSPH, CDT, Department Laboratory Technician II |